Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Almost a month since my last post?

It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's just that whenever I have something to say I'm not near a computer.


Looks like I'll be going to Beijing in about 5 weeks or so. I'm really excited. Professors Friedland and Coll are really cool, and the entire experience seems like it will be eye opening and thrilling. I especially look forward to going to Shanghai, meeting with members of the Chinese Supreme Court, and all that other stuff. I think it will be an amazing experience, and I'm glad I get to do it. 30 of us leave May 19th... how many will make it back? A lot of people stay extra time there, I haven't bought a return ticket back yet, so who knows what I'll do?

Looks like the courses at BFSU (Beijing Foreign Studies Institute) are set in place, and I'll be taking "International Financial Transactions", "Emerging Issues in International Trade", and "Chinese Commercial Law" for a total of 5 credit hours, all fully transferrable to Depaul, and cheaper than taking summer school here (thank you state department). Theres also a conference on International Business Transactions, which should be interesting. Granted, I know little about finance and business... but finance is a wank-job (so i hear), and I learn about business quickly I've found. Going to Xian will also be an interesting venture, especially when compared to Beijing and Shanghai.

I hear there is some of the world's best food to be had...

I'm feeling adventurous, and May can't get here soon enough (no wait... slow down, still need time to prep for finals!)


Federal Income Tax:

Is fun?

We learned about some Federal Income Tax stuff via Property class (deductions and such). It was actually kind of fun. Something I wanted to do (but dreaded) in law school was to take some tax classes. This was part of my whole "broad tailoring" plan. By "Broad Tailoring", I mean tailoring myself to become a certain type of attorney, while keeping some elements of the "swiss army knife" attorney about me. I've had an interest in having a hand in business for a while now, more specifically- being an integral part of a company (which would of course be smaller). So, while I wish to keep my education moderately broad, I intend to steer away from some specific courses of legal education, and turn towards others. In other words, I'd like to be broadly competent, while gaining an education somewhat narrowed in the direction of being a small/medium business attorney, or possibly starting my own small firm some day.

What this means for next year? Well I have to take Criminal Procedure, and Evidence is a pre-req for a lot of stuff (might as well take it in case i change my mind about things later). LARC III has to be taken at some point during the year, I don't know if i'll be alotted the spring or fall term for it. That means beyond these I'll probably take a business law class (also a pre-req for a lot of things I'll be interested in) as well as a tax class. That leaves a year and 1/2 to focus in on things after.

Does the joint JD/MBA program come to mind? Perhaps, it's something I won't even think about till this year is over. Pros and Cons abound.

For now... I keep my options open and seek the possibility of summer employment (I might take my Laptop to China just so I can stay in touch as it is relevant to that previous statement).



Cool talk today from Professor Coll and another about Cuba after Castro. Economics, Politics, etc etc. Prof. Coll knows what he's talking about I think- can't beat this guy's resume-

well I guess I'd better give a shout-out to professor Friedland too, since I mentioned him earlier:

They say you get to know the profs you go to China with better than any other professors, since you spend so much time with them. I forsee taking many of Friedland's classes in the future, so he might become the #1 guy to heed as to my future.


p.s. Does it mean I've become dry and boring that I look forward to a Federal Tax Law class?


laura said...

i'm not sure if tax law was actually fun or mr. prof. kwall was just that interesting. at least half his appeal was ghostbusters-related.

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