Tommorow, I plan to get to school early, and get some of my LARC assignment(s) out of the way. I don't exaggerate when I say 50% of my academic stress comes from 2 of my 14 credit hours. I dread LARC assignments, but I understand their importance. Hopefully before Contracts and after Property I'll be able to get everything done that I need to do. . . without too many other people getting in the way.
In these grim times of legal education, I must look to the little things making me happy. Luckily, I have a BIG thing coming to me. It appears I am on a lucky streak, one that will exponentially culminate in winning the lottery, or perhaps the Bears winning the Superbowl. I'm not sure if the streak of luck started this week, or over last weekend, but I will just say it started on monday. I say this because monday is when I started looking for good things to happen.
Monday- I put in a dollar, hoping to facilitate an exchange for orange juice with a vending machine. The vending machine did not meet his side of the contract; however, for my consideration of $1, I instead recieved two tropical juices. Delicious.
Tuesday- Bullets wizzing past my head. Tuesday (today... or actually I guess just barely yesterday) was a day that I really didn't want to be called on in class. I knew the material, I just didn't have the right notes with me for one class, and I really wasn't with it for another. I felt that I was going to be called on, and crucified infront of my classmates. I truly felt the impending doom of a cry for a "Mr. Soderberg", that the universe would levy Karma upon me, and I would pay for that second juice. In Pain.
The man to my left, Mr. Stern was called on in Criminal Law. Christ, that was a close call. Then, Julie to my right was called on. Bullets flying past my head, I was looking down the barrel of a machine gun, and it was locking on me. Class ends. Safe.... for now.
Next class, Ms. Eshbach to my right is hit. There were a lot of close calls, and I knew my time had come, but somehow- fate had given me a stay of execution.
Adding to all of this, my right shoulder is feeling looser again. It's not so stiff, it moves without popping quite so much.
Nothing can stop me. I'm invincible. Fate has smiled upon me, and granted me a week of fortune. If these past two days have been any indication, my luck is growing exponentially. By the end of the week I will be in the ultimate state of existance. If the Bears win, it's on me, thank me later.
I've had some weird dreams recently (If you are one of my livejournal buddies, you'll have seen that in my most recent post over there), and maybe there were signs in those dreams. A holy message from a higher being. Perhaps Emmanual himself was sending word of his impending love. For it is said, that Emmanual shall pull us from the brink of failure, and then smile upon us so that we may live in bliss. Thou shalt hold no other course outline before Emmanual. Thou shalt honour thy Emmanual and thy Emmanual "crunch time" eddition. etc etc.
p.s. I realize this post had very little legal commentary, political opinions, or any of that stuff. I'll get to that soon enough, I just have to ride this wave of luck as far as it will take me. I'm living for the weekend now, baby.
Chicken paprikash
I've been lax in cooking my way through The Science of Good Cooking, but I
assure you I am continuing (at a very slow pace).
*Concept 8: Tough Cuts Like a...
7 years ago
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