I have decided to write in my blog, post super-bowl, and as I have foolishly decided to continue drinking upon returning home. Keep in mind, this is all "Law School" related, because it involves the company of Law Students, and that's good enough for now. Next week I promise some deeper and more meaningful content.
Principal Problem/The Weekend:
I was falling asleep in Con Law. I'm really not sure how much I absorbed on friday. I was glad when it was over, and I could go and really sleep.
But I didn't. When there was a bed available to me, and I could guiltlessly sleep, I wasn't able to do it, I just couldn't fall asleep. This pissed me off. I always figured there was an evil me, living within the folds of a subconscious psyche, and now I am more convinced than ever. His name is Vladimir, and he's good at duck hunt for the old nintendo.
I was once told that I am the most repressed person that [telling person] had ever met. Maybe that's a good thing, if I wasn't, this Vladimir chap might bust out of my crotch, "Leprechaun in Space" style, and wreak havoc on the world. Violence, cunning, and a sick sense of humour revolving around depriving people of sleep when they want it.
Perhaps the sum total of a tellingly guilty conscience, snide sense of superiority, disdain for the vast populous of the world, poor sense of camraderie, stonewall inhibitions, and a penchant for vengeance are really just Vladimir poking around, because he is bored not playing Duckhunt.
Now apply all that to my LARC professor. He showed me the meaning of gemini this week.
Made me think, "Vladimir" will make a great lawyer, but how do I reconcile that with the vestiges of the Edward i'd really prefer to be?
Four years of this? http://www.jag.navy.mil/Careers/Careers3.htm
Who knows, but i'll look into it, a year out at sea might be the best place for a heartless miser like myself.
Oh yea- back to this friday.
After my unsuccessful attempts at both sleep and study, I played "electric kitty" with my roomate's kitten. You play "electric kitty" by rubbing a cat on carpet, till it generates a substantial static charge. You then release the cat to go and shock somebody. It's really a fun game.
"Hey there kitty kitty, come here, awwww..." *ZAP* "OUCH! Goddamn it Edward"!
Later on, I went out to celebrate Simone's birthday. I took a cab to Soundbar, because it was so cold outside, my nose hairs froze together. I took advantage of as many free drinks as I could before we moved on to the next place. At the next place, I drank some more, made friends with some of my previously unaquainted law student colleagues, had some dude rub (accidentally i think/hope) his wood on my leg. I hadn't eaten dinner, and at one point I was really dizzy on my feet. However, I ended up being fine, and I had a really good time. Highlights involve learning more Ted Jones dance moves, as well as having a bogie shot off my six. I walked home, and I may have lost a testicle to frostbite- I'm not sure, I'm purposefully being ignorant, I just DONT WANT TO KNOW yet. It was hard enough to bare the sight of my injured penis on thursday after the cat attacked me in the bathroom. Oh god. . . I don't know if it still works even. Insert Property class joke here. Do NOT insert any other cruel jokes here.
Always protect your junk against little monsters that might be lurking in your bathroom after a shower.
Saturday night was also fun. Me and Mike drove out to Paletine to Ms Sherman's place. I met her husband, who is a really cool guy, as well as a pair of adorable rabbits. The night was one long sick joke, as we watched "Leprechaun" horror movies, and made our own portrayal of an episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Highlights of the evening involve the creation of a terrible facebook group, as well as humourous banter, centered around the "German Raping Spider".
Superbowl Sunday was spent reading a little, playing videogames, reading a little more, playing electro-kitten, and then going to Ms. Eshbach's superbowl party. Well technically, I guess she was a guest there, and it was her roomate's party. Either way, she worked hard to present an array of food that Mike described as "Excellent" (in a russian accent). So the Bears lost, and I didn't really feel that upset. It really looked like the other team deserved to win, and if "we" had won, it would have been unfair. The guy crying on the redline train on the way back must have had different thoughts from myself. Despite the loss, the superbowl party was still a pretty good time. The journey too and from was cold, and if I wasn't incapable of sex before due to the elements (and kittens), I probably am now.
I really don't feel like going to class tommorow, but I know I should. Theres the whole "importance" of the education, as well as the load of money I'm laying down for it all. Not to mention, the bloodpact laws- punishment might entail finishing off what the cold and the kitten started.
I really want a break, even though I'm only a few weeks in.
I'd say I need a cigarette right now, If I smoked them. (Maybe I'll bust out a cigar).
I'd say I need some sort of Scandinavian massage right now, If i wasn't generally weird about being touched. (Maybe I'll get some cat scratch therapy).
I'd say I need a drink, If i wasn't already under the influence. (Maybe a nightcap)
I'd say I need some sleep, if. . . oh wait, I guess I can do that.
Chicken paprikash
I've been lax in cooking my way through The Science of Good Cooking, but I
assure you I am continuing (at a very slow pace).
*Concept 8: Tough Cuts Like a...
7 years ago
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